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Start a rounders little league

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Exercise and being outdoors is so important for kids, and this activity provides both and is lots of fun too!

As the evenings get lighter it means more hours to stay outside and make the most of every extra hour.Get your kid’s friends to sign up to a rounders league, and change the team members around each week to make sure it doesn’t get too competitive! (It’s also a great excuse to catch up with other Mums over a flask of coffee in the park)

What you need:

  • Two teams of nine kids, or as near to that number as possible

  • Four base markers (jumpers work well)

  • Rounders bat and ball

What to do:

  1. Organize two teams of nine players

  2. Each team takes one turn batting while the other team fields

  3. The bowler stands in the bowler's mound and throws underhand to the batter

  4. If the batter hits a ball, it goes into a play

  5. The batter can then run to the first base

  6. A batter is ‘out’ if three good balls pass him by, if a fielder tags the base before he arrives at it, or if he attempts to take over a base already occupied by another batter

  7. Runs are scored by batters running around the bases

  8. Each batting team's inning lasts until the opposite team records three ‘outs’