Making play dough at home is not only a cost-effective way to keep your little ones entertained, but it’s also a wonderful activity that allows you to initiate some quality bonding time. Once your kids have completed the activity, you can leave the dough to dry and it’ll harden – making a long-lasting piece of art.
You will need to help out with the preparation; however, the dough is completely child-friendly and not harmful if swallowed accidentally. There is also no reason to fear splotches and stains, OMO’s effective laundry detergents remove stains faster to ensure that you have more time to spend making play dough with your kids.
Play Dough Recipe
2 Tbsp. (30 ml) of cooking oil
2 cups (300 g) of plain flour
4 tsp. (20 ml) of cream of tartar
2 cups (500 ml) of water
1 cup (250 g) of salt
4 shades of food colouring (only a few drops are needed to achieve the perfect colour)
Place all of the dry ingredients into a saucepan and mix in the water and oil slowly.
Continue stirring on a low heat until the mixture becomes a ball and looks less sticky.
Knead the dough on a clean surface until it becomes smooth and bounces back.
Divide the dough into four sections and add a few drops of a different food colouring into each.
If you keep it in an airtight container, the mix will last up to two weeks! You can also make artworks and leave them out overnight to harden.
If you’re looking for more colourful activities with which to keep your little ones busy, take a look at OMO’s selection of creative kids’ activities.