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A stack of delicious rainbow pancakes being made.

Rainbow Pancakes

Try this healthy and easy pancake recipe with your children

Kids are more likely to eat something wholesome that they have made themselves especially when it was fun to make and when they look interesting. It will also help to learn about healthy eating and good eating habits.

By adding fruit to these basic pancakes you can make them healthy and it’s a great way to ensure that your kids get their 5 fruits daily. You could even add nuts and different spices like vanilla and cinnamon.

Your kids will love this simple recipe and especially when mornings seem to always be such a rush, it’s great to have easy and healthy recipes to make quickly.

Remember that your kids may need help with chopping the fruit and using the frying pan.

The great thing is that your kids can have as much fun as they like and make as much mess because OMO will take care of all the fruit stains.

What you will need

  • 1 Egg

  • 1 cup of milk

  • A pinch of Salt

  • 1 Cup of flour (self-raising)

  • 25g of butter

  • Different finely chopped or pureed fruit (e.g. strawberries, bananas, mangoes, etc.)

  • Different food colourings

Step 1 - Preparing the pancake batter

In a large missing bowl, add your self-raising flour and pinch of salt and make a little hollow in the centre of the flour. Crack the egg into the centre. Beat this together until a thick paste forms. Gradually add the milk to make it a smooth batter. Leave the batter to rest in the fridge for 15 minutes.

Step 2 - Add different colours

Divide the mixture into different small bowls and add a few drops of different food colouring into each of the bowls. Mix together well until the desired colour is achieved.

Step 3 - Making the pancake

Heat a frying pan on medium heat and add the butter. Once melted, pour it into a cup so that it can be re-used for each new pancake. Take one of the mixtures and pour a hand size amount into the middle of the frying pan.

Step 4 - Cooking the pancake

Once the pancake starts getting bubbles on top, you can flip the pancake and cook it on the other side for a minute or two.

Step 5 - Adding fruit

Once you have used up all the batter and made all your pancakes, you can sprinkle some fresh fruit on the pancakes and serve it with yoghurt and/or honey.