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OMO + Hygiene Auto Washing Powder

OMO + Hygiene auto washing powder is specifically formulated to penetrate deep into the fibres of your clothes to give you Unbeatable Stain Removal* plus a hygienic clean.


OMO + Hygiene auto washing powder is specifically formulated to penetrate deep into the fibres of your clothes to give you Unbeatable Stain Removal* plus a hygienic clean.


  • Hygienically Cleans
  • Specifically formulated to give you Unbeatable Stain Removal
  • 2kg of OMO + Hygiene auto washing powder cleans up to 20 loads of washing
  • OMO + Hygiene auto washing powder makes it easy to get rid of oily stains on cuffs and collars
  • Dissolves instantly and penetrates deep into the fibres of your clothes to reach even the toughest stains with just 1 scoop
  • Recommended by leading washing machine manufacturers Samsung, Bosch and LG
  • Suited for all machine types

*vs. leading competitors