Welcome to OMO’s kids’ activities! Read through our step-by-step guide on how to keep the little ones entertained by making DIY paper masks.
Do you remember the land of make believe? The magical place where you could be a mysterious ninja, a bandit, or even a princess! A fun mask is a great addition to any dress-up box, so why not create your own masks with the kids as a fun DIY activity? We guarantee many happy memories!
How do I make a Paper Mask?
Making your very own 2D paper mask is as easy as pie! Young children will enjoy decorating these paper masks, just as much as you will.
Things that you’ll need:
Hard paper or cardboard (A4 size, one for each mask)
2 X 10 cm long string pieces
A pair of scissors
Different colours of paint or crayons
A hole punch
Get started:
Step 1 - Preparing the Mask for your Kids
Draw an image large enough to cover your child’s face. You could also download an outlined picture from the Internet and print it out onto the coloured cardboard.
Step 2 - Time to get Messy
Use the paint and crayons to decorate your picture. Don’t forget to leave empty spaces for the eye holes.
Step 3 - Finish Your Mask
Help your children to cut out the shape from the card, as well as holes for their eyes. Use the punch to punch two holes, one on either side of the cut-out at ear level. Using a single piece of string, thread it through a hole and repeat.
How to Make a Paper Mache Mask
Paper mache masks are slightly trickier than paper masks, but a lot of fun to make, nonetheless. We suggest that you only try this activity out with older children. Paper mache can create a big, sticky mess, so ensure that you cover all open surfaces like carpets or fancy tabletops, as well as clothing!
If things get messy, you can simply use OMO Auto Powder Detergent to remove those unwanted stains because it is specifically formulated to penetrate fabric for amazing stain removal results.
Things that you’ll need:
Card or stiff paper
A stapler
A measuring tape
Paint brushes
Paints in different colours
Crafty décor (sequins, pipe cleaners, coloured card etc)
A bowl in which to mix your Paper Mache in
A craft knife
Wood glue
Torn strips of Newspaper (3-5cm wide in length)
Get Started:
Step 1 - Getting the Mask Ready
Use the tape measure to work out the circumference of your child’s face, and then add an extra 5cm.
Step 2 - Create the Outlining Structure for the Mask
Cut out strips of card/hard paper about a 3 cm wide. Use the stapler to staple the ends so that it loops into a hoop. Then create the structure of the mask by stapling a few 3cm strips across the hoop.
Step 3 - Decorate the Mask
You can use fun objects to create features on the face of the mask. You can add a triangle shaped object to add a nose shape. Now insert shaped objects to give features to the mask. Mix water and the wood glue together and paint the strips of newspaper with it to start the Paper Mache. Let the strips dry and repeat this process until its thick enough to hold its shape. Once the mask is dry, paint it with colours, or decorate with crafty items.
Step 4 - Final Touch and the Mask is ready
Help your kids by using a craft knife to pierce and cut out the eyeholes. Remember to be careful as Paper Mache hardens quite a bit once it has dried. You can use ribbon or string that is stapled to each ‘ear-height’ side of the mask so that your little ones can wear the mask.
TIP: Remember to cover the backs of the staples to protect your children’s face from getting scratched.
Have you tried out the paper masks for kids? Tell us what you think!
For more information on why Messy Play is so important for kids, check out the OMO Messy Play Zone now.